Book a private exam visit for drama

Please note: If you have not run your own exams in the past then you will need to register as a centre before booking a date. Please click here for further information.

If you have a registered centre number and have a minimum spend of £867/€1500 in practical exam fees, then Trinity can send an examiner to you on the date of your choosing. To calculate whether you will meet our minimum fee please take a look at our current fee lists. If you do not meet the minimum fee but would still like to host exams at your own location you are permitted to pay the difference.

To request an exam session please complete our short drama exam booking form at least 8 weeks prior to your desired exam date.  Before requesting a date please read the Private Visit Guidelines and check our additional Private Centre guidance on health considerations.

If you need any support or have any questions before making your booking please contact your regional coordinator:

English Region / UK country


East of England
East Midlands
North East
North West
West Midlands
Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland

Channel Islands
South East
South West

If you are unsure which English region your centre is based in, please check the Arts Council England map

You may wish to consult our Ten top tips for running your exam day for advice on how to host a smooth running exam day.

If your group does not meet the minimum fee you can choose to book digital exams (see the box in the right for how to book these). You can also choose to book face to face practical and theory exams at public exam centres across the UK and Ireland which are open to all. For more information see our public exam booking page.

Written papers

Written papers exams take place on set dates throughout the year. For more information please visit our theory and written papers page.

Special needs information

Learn more about our provision for candidates with special needs and download a special needs request form.

Digital certificates

From September 2023, Trinity College London has changed the way we issue certificates for many of our exams for customers in the UK & Ireland.

Learn more

As centres you now have the option to order paper certificates on behalf of your candidates, with discounts of 20% when you order 5 certificates or more from the same exam session.

Order paper certificates

Booking digital exams

Our Digital Grades and Diplomas are bookable throughout the year with no notice needed for bookings and no minimum fees.

When making your booking please:

  • Set the start date as the day you create the order, the end date will be set automatically once all exams are marked.
  • Provide a submitter email address for each candidate or group/pair. A submitter can submit entries for one candidate or many, so do use whichever email address will work best for you. Once the submitter has an account set up on our exam portal you can continue to use the same account to manage as many exams as they wish.
  • Follow the relevant Trinity Online centre portal guidance.

Communications Skills exams by online delivery (solo)

Private drama centres in the UK & Ireland who would like to enter candidates for online Communication Skills examinations should be aware of the following arrangements.

Bookings for online Communication Skills examinations can be made for a 3.5-hour period only. This equates to three hours of examining time (incorporating breaks). Timetabling is automatic and breaks will be built in; a 10-minute break will be timetabled every 50 minutes. If a subsequent examination session is booked on the same day, a second examiner will be provided for the later session.

The online Communications Skills assessment must be completed via Zoom. Centres should make sure they are proficient in the use of Zoom.

Examination bookings can be made in the usual way. There is a minimum fee of £300/€350 for Communication Skills by online delivery bookings. For assistance with enrolling candidates, please use the help guides found at the top right of the screen once logged into the portal.

Best Practice Guide

Essential guidance for Trinity Private exam centres on how to run our Drama exams

Trinity portal help

Exam centres have access to Trinity Online, which supports exam administration and gives you access to exam paperwork and candidate records. You will be issued with a username and password to access Trinity Online when you register your centre.

Drama exam regulations

Important information for all Trinity College London exams in Drama

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