Welcome to Trinity Hong Kong SAR and Trinity Macau SAR.
Trinity qualifications help you demonstrate your ability and progress at an international level so you can achieve your personal, educational and vocational goals. Trinity certificates are valued by universities, schools and companies all around the world.
We currently offer CertTESOL, DipTESOL, TYLEC and CertPT teaching qualifications in Hong Kong.
Further details on how to enter for a Trinity exam in Hong Kong can be found under the following pages:
Please contact your local Trinity office or a Registered Examination Centre near you for further information.
Follow us on our Hong Kong Facebook pages:
Trinity ESOL exams are recognised by The Hong Kong English Medium of Instruction Secondary Schools Association and used to help assess a student’s suitability to study in an English Medium of Instruction Secondary School.
The Hong Kong SAR Government’s Workplace English Campaign uses Trinity ESOL examinations as one of its English Benchmark Examinations.
The Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Macau (DSEJ) subsidises Macau Citizens to enrol in Trinity Exam. More information
English for Asia has advertised in The Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Macau (DSEJ) website for providing English Courses to local students. Trinity Examinations are our partners. More information
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