At the new Initial grade for snare drum, timpani and tuned percussion, candidates prepare three exercises, based around sticking patterns, roll development and dynamics.
Download Technical Exercises (Initial)
Tuned Percussion | Snared Drum
For the Initial grade timpani exam, please download the resource below.
The 2020–2023 syllabus introduces newly written technical exercises for Timpani, in place of the previous tuning test. These are based on aspects of timpani playing such as tuning and pitch awareness, roll development, dynamics and damping.
Download Technical Exercises (Initial-Grade 8)
At Grades 6–8, orchestral extracts may be prepared instead.
The current Scales and Arpeggios requirements can be found in the syllabus and are published in Tuned Percussion Scales & Arpeggios from 2007 (please note that changes have been made to the requirements since the book was published).
The following resource gives examples of scale patterns for hand to hand, in 3rds, with legato roll, and in octaves, together with arpeggios, broken chords, and diminished and dominant 7ths.
Download Scale and Arpeggio Patterns
Tuned Percussion
At Grades 6–8, orchestral extracts may be prepared instead.
Technical work requirements (orchestral figures and multiple bounce roll studies) are provided in the Trinity publications Pieces and Studies for Snare Drum Grades 1–5 and Pieces and Studies for Snare Drum Grades 6–8.
At Grades 6–8, orchestral extracts may be prepared instead.
Please refer to the current syllabus for full exam requirements.
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