Upcoming 2017 National Seminars – Italy

23 Oct 2017

The Italian Support Team for Trinity is inviting English language teachers in Italy to join this year's National Seminars - 'Learn Create Perform: Innovations in language teaching and performance-based assessment' - running from 16 October to 6 December in locations across Italy.

Dates are as follows:

October 2017
16/10 - Palermo
17/10 - Catania
19/10 - Milano
20/10 - Torino
23/10 - Salerno
24/10 - Napoli
27/10 - Bari

November 2017
06/11 - Firenze
07/11 - Padova
08/11 - Trieste
13/11 - Pisa
14/11 - Genova
16/11 - Bologna
17/11 - Mestre
22/11 - Cagliari
27/11 - Reggio Calabria
28/11 - Cosenza

December 2017
04/12 - Brescia
05/12 - San Benedetto del Tronto
06/12 - Francavilla al Mare

More details at: trinitycollege.it/incontra-trinity/attivita/104

The 2017 National Seminars will be an unmissable opportunity to focus on how the preparation for Trinity College London exams can enhance language teaching innovation and help students develop the XXI century skills that are essential today.

The National Seminars will also be an ideal occasion for sharing best practice and fresh teaching ideas to use in class when preparing students for Trinity exams.


Italian Support Team details


0534 801 902

Supporto amministrativo

0534 801 901

Supporto accademico

0534 801 903

Sito italiano


Sito internazionale


Supporto online docenti



National Seminars, Italy, 2016



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