New syllabuses for woodwind, jazz woodwind, singing, strings and guitar available now

15 Jul 2014

Our new 2015-2016 Woodwind and Jazz Woodwind syllabuses are available now. Both syllabuses include newly commissioned exercises, available in new scales and arpeggios books for Flute & Jazz Flute, Clarinet & Jazz Clarinet and Saxophone & Jazz Saxophone

Find out more about our Woodwind and Jazz Woodwind syllabuses

A new Singing syllabus for 2015-2017 is also available. The new Singing syllabus allows candidates to choose from an extensive and varied list of pieces and sees the introduction of accompanied sight-reading at all grades.

Find out more about our Singing syllabus

The Strings and Guitar syllabuses have been extended for a year and reprinted for 2015, with a full refresh planned for 2016.

A one year overlap arrangement is in place so candidates may perform repertoire and technical work from the current Woodwind, Jazz Woodwind and Singing syllabuses until the end of 2015.

A new Brass syllabus for 2015-2018 and Electronic Keyboard syllabus for 2015-2018 will be available in September. Register your interest to be kept up to date.


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