Music exam feedback and quality assurance

At Trinity, we strive to provide all candidates with a positive exam experience to enable them to perform at their best.

We pride ourselves on training our examiners to be friendly yet professional and monitor our exam standards through regular moderation and standardisation procedures.

Recording of face-to-face exams

To help this monitoring, we audio record all our music exams for quality assurance purposes. To read more about this please visit our Recording of Exams page or see pages 10-11 of our Information & Regulations booklet.

Recording of exams Information & Regulations

Diploma face-to-face exams 

All performance diploma exams are firstly assessed by the examiner present on the day of the recital, and then sent to our central office for checking and verification. The report may then be sent to a moderator to listen to the recording and check that the marks and comments match the performance.

Enquiries about results

Please be aware that formal investigations into exam results must be conducted via Enquiries about results page. If you wish to provide formal feedback that does not relate specifically to exam results, please follow our complaints policy.

Enquiries about results Complaints policy

Any informal feedback you have about your exams that does not require any investigation can be emailed to


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