Trinity awards 2023 IATEFL scholarships

17 Oct 2023

In 2023, Trinity College London funded two scholarships organised by the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL). These scholarships will provide a valuable opportunity for two scholars to attend and present their work to delegates at the 57th IATEFL Annual Conference in Brighton, United Kingdom.

The scholarships funded by Trinity in 2023 were awarded as follows:

The Trinity College London Language Examinations Scholarship

Awarded to: Shaun Sweeney, Ireland

During the IATEFL Annual Conference, Shaun will be presenting on ‘ChatGPT and Assessment: This time it’s personal’.

The Trinity College London Teacher Trainer Scholarship

Awarded to: Belén Albarracín

During the IATEFL Annual Conference, Belén will be presenting on ‘The way forward is global collaboration in ELT

Both scholars will receive conference registration fees, access to related events, a year’s IATEFL membership, and £1,000 towards conference-related expenses.

We’d like to congratulate Shaun and Belén and wish them both an inspirational conference.


Trinity College London, established in 1872, is a leading international exam board, publisher and independent education charity. Beyond its direct work in providing assessments in communicative and performance skills internationally, Trinity College London continues to be involved in supporting a wide range of public benefit and charitable activities around the world.


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