
Welcome to the Botswana web page for Trinity College London. The local languages are English, Afrikaans & Setswana. There is one centre in Gaborone, offering Classical & Jazz music exams.

  • Digital exams can be entered for at any time. 
  • Please contact Brian Taylor for more information.


  • Theory 6 Nov 2021: 1 August 2021

Contact details

Brian Taylor, Trinity representative

  • Address: P.O. Box 405675, Broadhurst, Gaborone, Botswana
  • Phone number: +267-72318537
  • Email address: 

Exam fees

  • Exam fees change every year and are sent out to all interested schools, teachers and individuals.
  • Please contact Brian Taylor (contact details above) for more information on exam fees.


There is an annual presentation of certificates, along with regular performances at schools and private organisations. 

How to become a Registered Centre  

Please see Become a Registered Exam Centre with Trinity.


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