Name: Sushmitha Saka
Exam taken: Classical and Jazz, Piano, Grade 3
Category nominated under: Achievement – outstanding or high achievement in their qualification results
Nominated by: Gig Savage, Teacher
Sushmitha started piano lessons in September 2023 and quickly demonstrated a natural talent and enthusiasm which enabled her to skip Initial and Grade 1. By early 2024, she passed her first exam with 100% Distinction in Grade 2. This was followed very quickly in July with yet another 100% Distinction in Grade 3. She continues to demonstrate amazing enthusiasm and motivation for her musical development and continues to strive to excel and maintain the high standard towards her current Grade 4 examination.
In summary, Sushmitha has a natural talent and appreciation of music and through this interest and discipline, learns and progresses quickly. I strongly believe that Sushmitha’s amazing work ethos and resulting achievements are extremely worthy of nomination and recognition to progress positively into her musical future.
What Sushmitha has to say about her nomination:
Gig has been an amazing teacher. She has guided me through Grade 2 and 3. Gig also has helped me channel my interest and love towards playing the piano in the right direction. Thank you Gig!
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