Mark Choi

Mark Choi is a leading composer of music for video games and visual media and we are very excited to have two of his pieces included in the 2023 Piano syllabus. Find out more about the inspirations behind the pieces and his creative process by watching Mark's conversation with Francesca Christmas, our Director of Music.

Find some of Mark's work in our free sample booklet

About Mark Choi

Mark is a freelance composer focused primarily on video games and theatre, with a background as a classically trained pianist from the Royal Academy of Music. He holds a MA (Distinction) in Orchestration for Film, Games and TV from Thinkspace Education (University of Chichester) and a BSc in Computer Science from Clare College (University of Cambridge). Currently, Mark is a BAFTA Games Connect member and was also on the 2023 BAFTA Games Awards jury for the Audio Achievement category. He is actively working on some new titles for established, publisher-backed indie studios; he also has ongoing collaborations with developers across the UK and North America such as Talewind, Teazelcat Games, Captilight and Flying Carpets Games.

Since 2015, he has had the distinct pleasure of being Resident Composer at Whole Hog Theatre, which predominantly draws from Japanese source material to create innovative anime-to-stage productions. The company has also adapted well-known classical works - such as Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet - into Japanese, with performances taking place in Japan. Their next show is The Garden of Words 『言の葉の庭』, a film which is currently celebrating its 10th anniversary and was created by one of anime's most beloved directors, Makoto Shinkai. The show's world premiere will take place in London in August 2023, followed by a run in Tokyo later in the year.

As an arranger and orchestrator, Mark is a two time Game Music Remix Award nominee (2021, 2023) for his piano arrangements and performances of video game music; additionally, he won the Quarantets competition hosted by the Videri String Quartet during the pandemic in 2020. He is also a resident arranger for the London Video Game Orchestra and regularly produces arrangements for them to perform at their concerts which take place 3 times a year.

Where can I find Mark's pieces?

Learning to Ride
Piano Exam Pieces Plus Exercises from 2023: Grade 2 (both editions)
A New Adventure
Piano Exam Pieces Plus Exercises from 2023: Grade 8 (both editions)


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